If you do not find your answer here, then feel free to contact us.

1. How much stone will I need?

Our premium hand-split stone covers seven running feet per ton. The natural ledge covers 5.5 running feet per ton.

2. Can I pick it out myself?

Yes! Call to schedule an appointment to pick out or pick up your stone.

3. Do you deliver?

Yes, trucking prices depend on miles traveled and fuel costs.

4. Can I get an estimate?

Yes, we will come to you to discuss your plans, budget and a timeline to make your project a reality.

5. How do I get the specs on your stone?

All of our stone has been tested. Call Alex for more information.

6. Are you insured and in compliance?

Yes, we are fully insured and provide a contract for all projects. We are in compliance with local, KDHE, and MSHA policies.